Informations légales


Le Site HKVOR.COM est édité par la société HKVOR, Société par Actions Simplifiée, au capital social de 20.000 €, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés d’Orléans sous le numéro 951 318 211, dont le siège social est situé AGREEN LAB'O, 3 RUE CHARLES SADRON, 45100 ORLEANS, représentée par son Président, Monsieur Olivier DEFRANCE.

Le directeur de la publication est Monsieur Olivier DEFRANCE.

Numéro de TVA Intracommunautaire : FR81951318211

Contact téléphone : +33628452487

Contact mail :


L’hébergeur est la société HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, Limited Company de droit chypriote, enregistrée sous le numéro HE 301365 dont le siège est sis 61 Lordou Vironos str., 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus.

Contact mail :

Utilisation des liens hypertextes

Le Site peut contenir des liens hypertexte vers des sites web exploités par d’autres entités (« site tiers »). HKVOR n’a aucune responsabilité envers l’utilisateur à l’égard d’un site tiers, et aucun site tiers n’est maintenu, contrôlé, surveillé ou régi par HKVOR. HKVOR décline toute responsabilité pour le contenu fourni sur ces sites tiers par l’activation de liens hypertexte. Si l’utilisateur décide de visiter le site tiers, il le fait à ses propres risques et il est de sa responsabilité de prendre toutes les mesures de protection pour se prémunir contre les virus ou autres éléments destructeurs.

L'utilisateur ne peut pas mettre en place un lien hypertexte en direction du Site édité par HKVOR sans l'autorisation expresse et préalable d’HKVOR. En toute hypothèse, les liens hypertextes renvoyant au Site devront être retirés à première demande d’HKVOR.

Propriété intellectuelle

Respect des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Le Site et tous contenus édités par HKVOR présents sur le Site, incluant tout élément graphique, informations, textes, images, photographies, vidéos, sons, logos, appartiennent à HKVOR ou à des tiers ayant autorisé HKVOR à les exploiter et sont protégés par les lois en vigueur au titre de la propriété intellectuelle (tels que droits d'auteur, droit sur les marques, droit des producteurs de base de données, et tout autre droit de propriété intellectuelle existant ou futur, français et internationaux).

Ils ne peuvent en aucun cas être utilisés, reproduits, imités ou adaptés sans l’autorisation préalable écrite d’HKVOR.

HKVOR est titulaire du droit d’exploitation du nom de domaine : HKVOR.COM

A défaut de respecter les présentes dispositions, l’Utilisateur s’expose à ce qu’HKVOR engage des poursuites civiles et/ou pénales à son encontre.

Outre ce qui est indiqué aux présentes, l’Utilisateur reconnait et accepte que l’accès au Site ne saurait emporter une quelconque cession ou concession des droits de propriété intellectuelle à son profit.

Droits d’auteur

Le Site constitue une œuvre originale dont l’éditeur du Site est l’auteur au sens des articles L111.1 et suivants du Code de la propriété intellectuelle.

Toute reproduction totale ou partielle, voire imitation, de cette marque ou de son logo, effectuée à partir des éléments du Site, sans l’autorisation expresse de l’éditeur du Site, est donc prohibée, au sens des articles L.713-2 et L713-3 du Code de la propriété intellectuelle.

Il est rappelé que toutes images, textes ou éléments graphiques contenus dans le présent Site peuvent constituer des œuvres de l’esprit bénéficiant, ainsi, de la protection au titre du droit d’auteur, selon les dispositions de ce même Code.

Toute représentation ou reproduction, totale ou partielle, permanente ou temporaire, sur un support informatique et/ou papier, et par quelque procédé que ce soit (notamment par voie de framing*), de l’un ou l’autre des éléments du Site ou des services proposés, sans l’accord préalable et exprès de l’éditeur du Site est interdite, et constitue un acte de contrefaçon, qui pourra entraîner des condamnations civiles et/ou pénales. Seule l’impression papier est autorisée aux fins de copie privée à l’usage exclusif du copiste au sens de l’article L122-5 2° du Code de la propriété intellectuelle.

Aucun lien hypertexte vers le Site ne peut être installé sans l’accord préalable et exprès de l’éditeur du Site.

*action de capter le contenu de pages d’un site Internet pour le transférer sur son propre site Internet par le biais d’un lien hypertexte, en faisant apparaître ledit contenu comme le sien.


L’éditeur du Site décline toute responsabilité quant aux éventuels dysfonctionnements pouvant survenir sur le Site et entraîner une perte de données ou une indisponibilité de l’accès aux informations produites sur celui-ci.

Les éléments présentés sur le Site sont susceptibles de modification sans préavis et sont mis à la disposition des internautes, sans aucune garantie d’aucune sorte, expresse ou tacite.

L’éditeur du Site ne peut garantir l’exhaustivité et la véracité des informations présentes sur le Site. De la même manière, il ne peut garantir l’absence de modification par un tiers (intrusion, virus).

En outre, l’internaute est seul responsable de l’utilisation qu’il fait du contenu du Site. Sauf faute grave exclusive de l’éditeur du Site, sa responsabilité ne peut être engagée que pour des dommages directs liés à l’utilisation des informations produites sur le Site.


HKVOR a recours à l’utilisation de cookies pour les bonnes fins du fonctionnement du Site et pour suivre et analyser le trafic sur le Site. Pour toute information, l’Utilisateur est invité à consulter la Politique de confidentialité et gestion des cookies accessible ici [Politique de confidentialité].


Legal Information


The website HKVOR.COM is published by HKVOR, a Simplified Joint Stock Company, with a share capital of €20,000, registered with the Orléans Trade and Companies Register under number 951 318 211, with its head office located at AGREEN LAB'O, 3 RUE CHARLES SADRON, 45100 ORLEANS, represented by its President, Mr. Olivier DEFRANCE.

The publication director is Mr. Olivier DEFRANCE.

VAT Number: FR81951318211

Contact Phone:

Contact Email:

Hosting Provider

The hosting provider is HOSTINGER and IONOS for the domain, a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a share capital of XX €, registered with the XX Trade and Companies Register under number XX, with its head office located at XX.

VAT Number: XX

Contact Phone: XX

Use of Hyperlinks

The Site may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by other entities ("third-party sites"). HKVOR has no responsibility to the user regarding a third-party site, and no third-party site is maintained, controlled, monitored, or governed by HKVOR. HKVOR disclaims any responsibility for the content provided on these third-party sites through hyperlink activation. If the user decides to visit the third-party site, they do so at their own risk and are responsible for taking all protective measures against viruses or other destructive elements.

The user may not set up a hyperlink to the Site published by HKVOR without the express and prior authorization of HKVOR. In any case, hyperlinks pointing to the Site must be removed upon first request by HKVOR.

Intellectual Property

Respect for Intellectual Property Rights. The Site and all content published by HKVOR on the Site, including any graphic elements, information, texts, images, photographs, videos, sounds, logos, belong to HKVOR or third parties who have authorized HKVOR to use them and are protected by current intellectual property laws (such as copyright, trademark rights, database producer rights, and any other existing or future intellectual property rights, both French and international).

They may not be used, reproduced, imitated, or adapted in any way without the prior written authorization of HKVOR.

HKVOR holds the exploitation rights for the domain name: HKVOR.COM.

Failure to comply with these provisions exposes the User to civil and/or criminal proceedings by HKVOR.

In addition to the provisions herein, the User acknowledges and agrees that access to the Site does not entail any transfer or concession of intellectual property rights in their favor.


The Site constitutes an original work for which the Site publisher is the author under Articles L111.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Any total or partial reproduction, or imitation, of this trademark or its logo, made from elements of the Site, without the express authorization of the Site publisher, is prohibited under Articles L.713-2 and L713-3 of the Intellectual Property Code.

It is reminded that all images, texts, or graphic elements contained on this Site may constitute works of the mind benefiting from copyright protection, according to the provisions of the same Code.

Any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, permanent or temporary, on any computer and/or paper medium, and by any means whatsoever (notably by framing*), of any element of the Site or the services offered, without the prior and express agreement of the Site publisher, is prohibited and constitutes an act of infringement, which may result in civil and/or criminal liability. Only paper printing is authorized for private copying for the exclusive use of the copier as defined in Article L122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code.

No hyperlink to the Site may be installed without the prior and express agreement of the Site publisher.

*Framing: capturing the content of Internet pages of a site to transfer it to one's own Internet site via a hyperlink, making said content appear as one's own.


The Site publisher disclaims all responsibility for any malfunctions that may occur on the Site and result in data loss or unavailability of access to the information produced on it.

The elements presented on the Site are subject to modification without notice and are made available to internet users without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied.

The Site publisher cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information on the Site. Similarly, it cannot guarantee the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus).

Furthermore, the internet user is solely responsible for the use they make of the content of the Site. Except for gross misconduct by the Site publisher, its liability can only be engaged for direct damage related to the use of the information produced on the Site.


HKVOR uses cookies for the proper functioning of the Site and to track and analyze traffic on the Site. For any information, the User is invited to consult the Privacy Policy and cookie management available here [insert link to the privacy policy].

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to HKVOR!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of HKVOR's Website, located at

By accessing this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use HKVOR if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.


The website uses cookies to help personalize your online experience. By accessing HKVOR, you agreed to use the required cookies.

A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

We may use cookies to collect, store, and track information for statistical or marketing purposes to operate our website. You have the ability to accept or decline optional Cookies. There are some required Cookies that are necessary for the operation of our website. These cookies do not require your consent as they always work. Please keep in mind that by accepting required Cookies, you also accept third-party Cookies, which might be used via third-party provided services if you use such services on our website, for example, a video display window provided by third parties and integrated into our website.


Unless otherwise stated, HKVOR and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on HKVOR. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from HKVOR for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.

You must not:

  • Copy or republish material from HKVOR

  • Sell, rent, or sub-license material from HKVOR

  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from HKVOR

  • Redistribute content from HKVOR

This Agreement shall begin on the date hereof.

Parts of this website offer users an opportunity to post and exchange opinions and information in certain areas of the website. HKVOR does not filter, edit, publish or review Comments before their presence on the website. Comments do not reflect the views and opinions of HKVOR, its agents, and/or affiliates. Comments reflect the views and opinions of the person who posts their views and opinions. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, HKVOR shall not be liable for the Comments or any liability, damages, or expenses caused and/or suffered as a result of any use of and/or posting of and/or appearance of the Comments on this website.

HKVOR reserves the right to monitor all Comments and remove any Comments that can be considered inappropriate, offensive, or causes breach of these Terms and Conditions.

You warrant and represent that:

  • You are entitled to post the Comments on our website and have all necessary licenses and consents to do so;

  • The Comments do not invade any intellectual property right, including without limitation copyright, patent, or trademark of any third party;

  • The Comments do not contain any defamatory, libelous, offensive, indecent, or otherwise unlawful material, which is an invasion of privacy.

  • The Comments will not be used to solicit or promote business or custom or present commercial activities or unlawful activity.

You hereby grant HKVOR a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, edit and authorize others to use, reproduce and edit any of your Comments in any and all forms, formats, or media.

Hyperlinking to our Content:

The following organizations may link to our Website without prior written approval:

  • Government agencies;

  • Search engines;

  • News organizations;

  • Online directory distributors may link to our Website in the same manner as they hyperlink to the Websites of other listed businesses; and

  • System-wide Accredited Businesses except soliciting non-profit organizations, charity shopping malls, and charity fundraising groups which may not hyperlink to our Web site.

These organizations may link to our home page, to publications, or to other Website information so long as the link: (a) is not in any way deceptive; (b) does not falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of the linking party and its products and/or services; and (c) fits within the context of the linking party's site.

We may consider and approve other link requests from the following types of organizations:

  • Commonly-known consumer and/or business information sources;

  • community sites;

  • Associations or other groups representing charities;

  • Online directory distributors;

  • Internet portals;

  • Accounting, law, and consulting firms; and

  • Educational institutions and trade associations.

We will approve link requests from these organizations if we decide that: (a) the link would not make us look unfavorably to ourselves or to our accredited businesses; (b) the organization does not have any negative records with us; (c) the benefit to us from the visibility of the hyperlink compensates the absence of HKVOR; and (d) the link is in the context of general resource information.

These organizations may link to our home page so long as the link: (a) is not in any way deceptive; (b) does not falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of the linking party and its products or services; and (c) fits within the context of the linking party's site.

If you are one of the organizations listed in paragraph 2 above and are interested in linking to our website, you must inform us by sending an e-mail to HKVOR. Please include your name, your organization name, contact information as well as the URL of your site, a list of any URLs from which you intend to link to our Website, and a list of the URLs on our site to which you would like to link. Wait 2-3 weeks for a response.

Approved organizations may hyperlink to our Website as follows:

  • By use of our corporate name; or

  • By use of the uniform resource locator being linked to; or

  • Using any other description of our Website being linked to that makes sense within the context and format of content on the linking party's site.

No use of HKVOR's logo or other artwork will be allowed for linking absent a trademark license agreement.

Content Liability:

We shall not be held responsible for any content that appears on your Website. You agree to protect and defend us against all claims that are raised on your Website. No link(s) should appear on any Website that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene, or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation of, any third party rights.

Reservation of Rights:

We reserve the right to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our Website. You approve to immediately remove all links to our Website upon request. We also reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and its linking policy at any time. By continuously linking to our Website, you agree to be bound to and follow these linking terms and conditions.

Removal of links from our website:

If you find any link on our Website that is offensive for any reason, you are free to contact and inform us at any moment. We will consider requests to remove links, but we are not obligated to or so or to respond to you directly.

We do not ensure that the information on this website is correct. We do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, nor do we promise to ensure that the website remains available or that the material on the website is kept up to date.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties, and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website. Nothing in this disclaimer will:

  • Limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury;

  • Limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;

  • Limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or

  • Exclude any of our or your liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

The limitations and prohibitions of liability set in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort, and for breach of statutory duty.

As long as the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.