Valorizing Hair and Sheep Wool through 100% Chemically Clean Keratin Extraction

High Keratin Valorized from Organic Recycling

In France, over 4,000 tons of hair are generated each year. Thanks to our partnership with Coiffeurs Justes, the leading historical hair collection network in our country, we contribute to the valorization of this underutilized waste.
The industrial extraction of Hair Keratin makes HKVOR a unique company in the world.
Our resources


Sheep Wool
France has a sheep population of 7 million. These sheep are shorn once or twice a year for animal welfare and hygiene reasons. This shearing generates over 50,000 tons of wool, which is underutilized and often incinerated, releasing more than 90,000 tons of CO2 into our atmosphere.

HKVOR transforms underutilized waste into high-value products, achieving this with zero environmental impact.

Our Keratins for Your Industry
HKVOR extracts a biomimetic Hair Keratin and an Animal Keratin Hydrolysate. Our keratins are extracted without the use of chemicals, making our process 100% eco-responsible and a unique innovation. Our proteins are sought after in multiple markets, addressing significant environmental and societal challenges.

Medical Devices
Dietary Supplements
Pet food
Our Partners & Supporters

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3 rue Charles Sadron 45100 ORLÉANS