What is Keratin ?

Keratin is a fibrous protein and a key structural component of the tissues and appendages of many living beings, including humans. It is primarily found in hair, skin, and nails. Keratin is specific to animals and is not found in plants.

Its unique three-dimensional structure gives it properties that are sought after for many applications.

Keratin plays several essential roles related to the protection and structure of tissues in animals and humans :

Keratin strengthens the outer layer of the skin, hair, and nails, making them resistant to mechanical and environmental damage.

By binding to form hard and insoluble filaments, keratin provides structure and rigidity to the skin, nails, and hair.

Keratin helps make cells less permeable to water, crucial for maintaining hydration and preventing water from freely entering or leaving the body.

It provides flexibility to tissues such as the skin, allowing for movement without damaging the cells.

Keratin is involved in the healing and regeneration processes of the skin.

Key Roles



Regeneration & repair

